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23/09/2012 / Test All Things

A Short Study of Romans 8:8-9

“So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.”
(Romans 8:8-9)


What Child of promise is there, one truly born from above, that has not the desire to please the God Who has everlastingly loved him, bought him with holy blood, and now seals him unto the day of redemption?

A believer is ever mindful of the frailty of a body that is spiritually dead and has no desire to please God because of sin, but rejoices in the Spirit which is life because of Christ’s righteousness. He observes a present evil, a law of sin which is in his fleshly nature, but is ever thankful through Christ Jesus that with the mind he serves the law of God.

A Christian, though constantly falling short to rightly follow after that which is good and pleasing to God, fears not the wrath of the Holy Judge because there is now no condemnation to that sinner if he is in Christ Jesus.

A believer, because he is not condemned, is dealt with as a child of promise. That Child may be chastened (and often is), but that chastening is not because the Father is condemningly displeased, but because He loves His own for the sake of Christ.

If the sinner pleases God, that pleasure was secured by grace through faith by His beloved Son at Calvary. In Christ above, the Father is pleased with every redeemed sinner.

By Marvin Stalnaker

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