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01/11/2012 / Test All Things

Blessed Deliverance

“Deliver me from all my transgressions…”
(Psalm 39:8)


For an enlightened son of Adam, the longing of his renewed heart is for deliverance from that which is his nature — SIN!

He longs not only for deliverance from daily temptation, but also from that final curse which will usher in everlasting damnation to those without Christ as their Substitute.

This is a paradox, for with his mind he longs for deliverance from the clutches of sin, while in his flesh he continues to rebel.

Christ, the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world (of believers), accomplished that which no mortal man could.

By imputation, He entered Himself into a state of familiarity with the guilt of all those chosen unto salvation, in that their guilt actually became His guilt.

Though personally innocent, Christ assumed the position of every guilty sheep. He then could honestly cry forth, “Deliver me from all my transgressions.”

Absolute justice must be satisfied before any deliverance can take place. In one all-encompassing blow of divine justice upon the blessed Substitute, the Father obliterated forever the curse that Christ assumed. In Him, the believer can with a heart at peace, echo His prayer, “Deliver me from all my transgressions.”

By Marvin Stalnaker

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