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01/06/2012 / Test All Things

Iniquity Laid Upon Christ

“The Lord hath laid upon him the iniquity of us all.”
(Isaiah 53:6)

All we like wandering sheep have stray’d;
And yet on him the Lord hath laid
The iniquity of all;
O most amazing act of grace;
Lord, that we may its meaning trace,
On thee for help we call.

What sense is by the word convey’d,
On him the Lord our sins HATH LAID?
We such a LAYING show;
That his believing people ne’er
Can possibly the burden bear,
Or condemnation know.

For laid on him, and yet on them,
The weakest judgment must condemn;
No substitution here;
In his own body on the tree,
The sins of all his people see,
He actually did bear.

The Lord hath done it then ’tis true;
It can be in no other view,
Than that we have survey’d;
For act conditional is none;
The thought shows it may be undone,
This act be frustrate made.

Making provision bringing man,
But into such a state he can,
Or only may be saved;
Nothing vicarious appears,
Not thus our sins our Jesus bears,
Such notions vain be wav’d.

INIQUITY most vile, tho’ sin
Defiled him not, without, within,
Holy and harmless he!
Yet that accursed deadly thing,
On him did imputation bring,
That his redeem’d might be.

The iniquity, and OF US ALL,
Of those who perished in the fall?
O no, but ALL OF US;
OF US, thro’ God to whom of Him,
He saves his people from their sin;
The word reveals it thus.

ON HIM, Immanuel God with us,
Truly divine and human thus
The mighty Lord we name!
For Godhead merely could not die,
Nor could mere mortal satisfy
The law’s tremendous claim.

The iniquity ON HIM was laid,
He a sin offering was made;
O what stupendous grace!
Made sin for us (what love) that we,
The righteousness of God might be,
In him, and see his face.

ON HIM iniquity, and see,
Able to bear it all till he
Had justice satisfied;
Till he had made an end of sin,
And righteousness had usher’din,
And it is finish’d cried.

Our sins on Jesus still? Oh no!
The bond is cancelled now, and so
He sits upon his throne!
As surely as their debt’s discharged
Shall the poor prisoners be enlarged,,
Salvation by them known.

Our sins laid on our Jesus, he
The travail of his soul shall see,
And satisfied remain;
Salvation to our God we sing,
And to the Spirit glory bring,
And to the Lamb once slain.

By A-T.T. – Manchester – Gospel Standard – 1836.

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