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08/01/2008 / Test All Things

Pressing On In The Race

Lord, make me deaf and dumb and blind;

To all ‘those things which are behind’:
Deaf to the voice that memory brings,

Accusing me of many things,
Dumb to the things my tongue could speak,

Reminding me when I was weak;
Blind to the things I still might see,

When they come back to trouble me;
Let me press on to Thy high calling

In Christ, Who keepeth me from falling
Forgetting all that lies behind –

Lord, make me deaf, and dumb, and blind;
Like Paul, I then shall win the race;

I would have lost but for Thy grace!
Forgetting all that I have done –

‘Twas Thee, dear Lord, not I, who won.
(Philippians 3:12-14)

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